Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dia 16/365

Eww.. Alright I was getting some wood from my back yard and i jumped when i saw this dead creature.. OMG a Bat!!! WTH!! it gave me the chills and walked away. Then when i was in side the house I said- maybe i should photograph it?! I know its a repugnant yet insignificant harmless-dead animal, and I fell horrible for taking advantage of it...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dia 15/365

After running around almost all day, I totally forgot about today's photo!! anyways...let me introduce you to this hairy handsome creature- Rex aka Chubaka, he is the cuties!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dia 14/365


I absolutely love letterpress process

Dia 13/365

Through the Blinds...

This is not what I had in mind, but I couldn't  find my tripod so I set the camera on my desk. It was a very cloudy warm day-almost nostalgic.. at least that's how I was feeling, missing those cloudy days in Mexico.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 12/365

Gay Pride Weekend..

Alright, so got off work pretty late last night, it was nuts! It was a very long day full of beautiful pride people and all sort of colors. With a few main streets closed the night went on until really late. I headed to a bar close to Pike St, and started shooting, I have a few pictured from last night, but this one is the one that I really wanted to post as a result of celebration of equal acceptance and tolerance of sexual orientation.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dia 11/365

Beauty of Nature..

OK guys I'm cheating I took this picture not too long ago.. Today its going to be a really long day, I have to go to work now and didn't have time to take a picture. However today is the gay parade on the Hill, so i will try to shoot some (before going to work) and show them here tomorrow.
Anyways I really love the contrast of the clouds and the rays of sun coming through the sky. I was driving when I shoot this! came out good huh?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dia 10/365

Double Exposure..

OK... so, I kept my self wanting to make some more double exposure images from yesterday's post. So I went through some old pictures (and new ones as well) and started to play around with those. It was harder than i thought!! you need to have a sense of composition in order to create a nice image.. well I made a few... you can check them out on my flickr page
I still wanne keep playing around until a become a pro on this! haha.. for now just enjoy, happy Friday!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dia 9/365


Encounter Waves

The use of double exposure  leads to an abstract wave..

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dia 8/365

Cha Cha Lounge

This happens to be a popular place on Pike St in Capitol Hill. Cheap beer and dirty what else could you ask, love it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dia 7/365

A Summer Day Officially...

Today feels great! Temperature its not that hot, about 75 or less.. Seattleites  were waiting for this for a very long time ;D
This is the lake that its close to my place.. this place its full of life and happiness..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 6/365

A Regular Day..
I woke up feeling pooped today-not very creative or wanting to do anything. So I grabbed my camera and traveled around my house.. Took a few shots of the things that I find my self  bumped into..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dia 5/365

Mi Padre

Feliz dia del padre al hombre que hace mi vida-diferente; dulce, feliz, complicada y divertida.. I love you Pa'

My Dad

Happy fathers day to the man who makes my life different; happy, complicated, enjoyable, and awesome.. Love you Pa'

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dia 4/365

Window Shopping
I saw this lovely creature in an antique store in Seattle, its so rad! Does anyone think the contrary?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dia 3/365

Abre Los Ojos..
Lo primero que hago cuendo me despierto en la mañana es mirar a mi ventana. Aqui quize dar el efecto de un abrir y cerrar de ojos al despertar.

Open Yours Eyes..
The first thing I do in the mornings when I wake up is to look outside of my window. Here perhaps give the effect of the blink of an eye awakening..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dia 2/365

Local Store Grocery Shopping.. Used lensebaby- lens "Muse" with a 0.42 Super wide adapter

Eggs-         checked
Cheese -    checked
Bread-       checked
Avocados- checked
Jarritos-     checked

-Oh wait, maybe a shoot! ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dia 1/365

My lonely Bike
I have recently purchased a Spectra Polaroid camera at Goodwill last week as well as the film, the film was purchased online at Impossible Project.
I was anxiously waiting for it to get it on the mail and today was the lucky day. So glad the camera worked just right and look at the quality of the print! so vintage, and happens to be a nice warm and sunny day! <3
Mi bika..
Hace unos dias me me encontre una camara Polaroid en una tienda de segunda Goodwill, no la pense ni dos veces, ya que estoy colleccionando estas, esta es mi numero 5! En fin tambien compre la pelicula en linea en una pagina llamada impossible project. Estaba esperando ansiosamente que llegara por correo en estos dias, y hoy fue mi dia! Aqui tienen esta impresion, al parecer la camara esta en buenas condiciones y la calidad de la foto sale chida- de epoca.  Aperte en un dia asoleado como el de hoy, todo aparenta ser mas belllo! <3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Description of Proyecto 365

La mayoria del tiempo sueño en como crear una imagen que capture la atencion de muchos, pero por alguna u otra cosa, interrumpo mi sueño y termino botandolo en el limbo para poder recogerlo 'despues'.
Ya mucho tiempo ha pasado con la misma desidia y creo  que ya es tiempo de salir de la monotonia.  He  decidido participar en el proyecto 365, siendo yo y mi camara las unicas concursantes. La idea de este  es tomar una fotografia diaria, procesarla y subirla a la red con una descripcion; ya sea de mi o de un lugar o evento de donde me encuentre. Regularmente este proyecto donde muchos fotografos o aficionados a la fotografia lo practican usando un tripod para tomar portaretratos de ellos mismos, pero yo quiero salirme un poquito del molde y tomar fotos de todo lo que se me cruze en mi camino. De esa manera puedo mostrar  es lo que me gusta y por los lugares donde me encuentro. El ser humano necesita de retos para poder alcanzar sus metas, veo este proyecto como un reto el cual me ayudara en enfocarme mas en lo que me gusta y añoro algun dia hacerlo como profesion.
Eso si, necesito de su APOYO incondicional, solo tendran que checar una foto al  dia y criticarla o comentarla-de esa manera mi pagina tendra un buen numero de visitantes y podra creceer de poquito a poquito..
Asi que disfruten y muchas Gracias!!

::Most of the time I find myself daydreaming about how to create an image that captures the attention of many, but life and other responsibilities interfere with my dream and end up throwing it in limbo, in order to pick it up 'later'.
I have being hesitating on the idea of fulfilling my dream, I think its time to kick my life off monotony and start doing something that will satisfy me. I  have chosen to participate in Proyecto 365, only me and my camera will be the only contestant. The idea of ​​this project is to take a daily picture, process it and upload it to the network with a description. This project has been done by many photographers and amateur photographers, most of the time its practiced by using a tripod and make self portraits, I don't really want to follow the pattern - I want to get out of the box a little bit by taking pictures of anything that crosses my way; an event, music show, landscapes,  maybe a few self portraits-after all I have 365 days!!.. Human beings need challenges to reach their goals, I see this project as a challenge which will help me to focus on what I love and  hopefully one day make it as a profession.
I do NEED your unconditional support in this project, you only need to check a photo a day and criticize /comment it, that way my site will have a good number of followers and may grow little by little ..
So enjoy!! Thanks